

The boy's musical genius of his concussion

So far we've explored a variety of rare diseases, each with its own kind and are incurable. Rare diseases often cause life is hard and exhausting but a few examples of the positive points there.
"Lchlan Kanrs"A son of one of the greats of American music these days America is home to the Denver area. While the teen has not had any training class and has been a disaster to this day.
The students from the beginning of its life it has no musical talent Wanted to become a professional athlete because all the time he exercised over Even professional sports or physical education lessons at school calls it an accident that changed his life path. 
When this guy is almost 10 years old while he was in the game is terrible and crashed heavily to the ground. This incident led to her brain and went into a coma. A few days after the surgery, he passed the boy's talent came to the music again. 
After the accident, he returned home and became the first musical instrument he began. These days he has the ability to play 13 different instruments, but only once the brain has gone into a coma and all the instruments he has learned.Doctors examined the teen found specific abnormalities in the brain that affect the interests and tastes of his But why the teen's become a musical genius is still left wondering.

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