

You Decide :

1 - assuming a pregnant woman who already has eight children . Her eight children , three deaf mute , two blind , one mentally retarded , and she also got sick with chronic syphilis ! .

Do you think this woman would have an abortion ?

2 - Let 's election time and you have the following three candidates , choose one .
Former candidate , with politicians and political cunning and bad trades and  open and notorious , trade , and from divination and prophecy , and this is bullshit . Provision eats eight to ten glasses of wine , smokes a cigar and holds a two- to unfaithful .
The second candidate , sleeps until noon . Half bottle of whiskey every evening opium kills and eats.
A third candidate , is a war hero , does not eat meat , does not smoke , sometimes just a glass of beer, drinks and games and tricks from other games is not a woman .
Which of these three , you will be sent to the Presidential Palace?

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